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Friday 10 July 2015

Bikini, Beach, Biker Babes! We Take You From Singapore to Cherating Bay!

Barely two weeks upon returning from #beyondeverest, I didn't think I'd be going for a touring ride anytime soon haha BUT! Because it's my dear Debra biker chick girlfriend's birthday over the weekend (and you know, there's always a reason for a ride, right?), I decided to take her for a short getaway ride to Cherating Beach, Malaysia!

Credits to kuantan-hotels
One of the popular activities to do at Cherating was Surfing! Where waves can go up pretty high! But only during year end when the monsoon comes. Now it's all calm and peaceful, where we can just relax.

Just barely around 400KM worth of B-roads (small roads) away from Singapore, all we brought were our bikinis, some light summer clothes and of course, tyre repair kit and tools (just in case).

May Tom Tom lead the way! Hahaha trying out the new Tom Tom GPS and trusting it won't bring us to detour. Interface is really smooth and works perfectly even with my gloves on.

At the break of dawn, off we go!

Before we know it, the sun came up real quickly as it we start to feel the heat. And is it just us or its the red traffic lights along the B-roads here lasts SUPER longgg? I could probably remove all my gears, do a dance over some Taylor Swift's song, wear back all my gears and it still hasn't turn Green.

B-roads are slower but definitely more interesting than straight boring highways. However, it can be more dangerous too with vehicles coming out from different directions so it's important to stay alert.

Just entered Mersing and we decided to stop for breakfast. A bowl of red hot Laksa to spice up the day before continuing on to Cherating.

After about a 6 hours ride, we arrived safely at Cherating. Checked in to the hotel, dump our bags and went out immediately to check out the beach.

Playing Tarzan's girlfriend
Ok birthday girl looks like she's having a good time already.
It was really quiet here, not a soul in sight because it was Ramadan period.

Cherating Bay
Whee! Which means we get the whole beach to ourselves!!
Which also means, 90% of the restaurants and bars are closed too.

But it's okay. All we need is just one beach bar that was open and we found it inside Cherating Village where the main bay area was :)

Enchanted by the beautiful beach front, I rode my Ducati straight towards the clear blue waters, into the sand.

My Pirelli Diablo Rosso Corsa is sinking. LOL

I knew almost right away, it was a bad idea.

My tyres were sinking into the soft sand and I was kinda stuck. But as a good friend, I decided NOT to tell Debra. HAHAHA.

From a distance, she saw and called out "Babe, you're stuck in the soft sand right? See I told you cannot ride in one!"

I replied her confidently, "No ah, it's quite easy to ride in, really. Just throttle only. See, I'm already taking all these awesome pictures. Bike, beach, babe. Hurry in leh, take photo together!"


The minute she entered the soft sand, her Kawasaki Versys started to sink in too. She kept screaming and I kept laughing.

"Aiya, if bike sink must sink together ma. Come, I help you take nice pictures" I giggled as I told her.

Hehe that's what friends are for! Isn't it? ;D

Left our bikes in the sand, and ran towards the beach to play.

Deb's writing her big name everywhere on the sand since it's low tide and the waves won't wash it away anytime soon.

Heh. And my name.

We walked out into the sea with the water level not passing our knees at all while we stood there just listening to the rolling waves.

Debra and the beach's pet dog.

Headed back to the beach bar, the only one that was open with chill out music playing loud on their speakers.

The sea breeze was blowing constantly as I lay on a hammock, sipping on ice cold lemon tea.
Ah.. this is life.

Due to the Ramadan period, almost all the restaurants in Cherating Bay were closed. So the beach bar owner whipped out a wok, some charcoal, some ingredients and actually cooked us a yummy dinner!

Then helped us push our bikes out of the sand hahaha.
That's how our first day at Cherating Bay went ;)

Day 2

With no firm plans, we went to check out the Cherating Turtle Sanctuary. It's free entry but you can choose to make little donations at their counter. Money goes to maintaining the sanctuary.

I'm sorry, but it was really boring. Apart from 3 - 4 ponds filled with turtles, that's about it -_-

Having ice cream and taking seflies were more fun, compared to visiting the turtle sanctuary hahah.

And, we're back to the beach!

This time, the sand here was slightly more wet and harder, so we didn't have our rear wheel sinking in while riding our bikes in.

We stumbled upon Riverside Beach Motel where their beach huts were located right on the shore itself.

Would definitely recommend you guys to stay in such huts where you can wake up to the sound of the gentle waves and once you open your door, the beach is right in front of you.

Hello beach life!

Just chillin'

Man, I could lie here all day like that.

So the beach bar we were at yesterday was closed today, but we found this one, which was creatively decorated, open.

Cheers to mojito, beer, and foooood! Had our feets sink into the soft sand beneath us as we had dinner and drinks right next to the waves, all the way into the night.

Life's good ;)

Why fly when you can ride?

Checked out of the hotel the next day and made our way back to Singapore.

A short, quiet, beach getaway was what we needed, and we're glad we found it at Cherating Bay! It was simple and what I like most about this place was that it wasn't really commercialized nor touristy. Prices for accommodation and food are all very reasonable too.

Check it out the next time you've got a weekend to spare!