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Monday 15 June 2015

Day 13 #B.E. Li Jiang : Visiting One Of The Amazing Race Sites and Watching Li Jiang Come Alive At Night

Today is a very very special and rare day because it's the ONLY day in my whole itinerary where I don't have to wake up early and gear up for a long ride.

Don't I look well rested? Haha

I finally don't have to set my alarm the night before and be reminded that I only have what, 4 hours 16 minutes to sleep. I finally don't have to snooze my alarm and fall off the bed trying to drag myself out. I finally get to rest as much as possible. YAY.

Having some tea to start the day

Which means I'd also have the energy and time to explore this UNESCO Heritage place, from day till night. Although it might seem quite touristy, it is only because Li Jiang has preserved it's heritage beauty so well that tourists from all around the world want to visit and experience it for themselves.

Topping up my engine oil
Ever since I learnt my lesson after my bike broke down, now I check my engine oil level every morning. Thank goodness I brought two bottles of 10W50 Liqui Moly engine oil with me so I don't need to worry about looking for a bike shop in China, I can top up my engine oil anytime. Plus I know I can trust Liqui Moly's oil, and not having to settle for a brand I'm not confident about.

Credits to topchinatravel, Jade Dragon Snow Mountain during Winter
The most popular mountain in Li Jiang standing at 5,596m is the breath-taking Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, attracting tons of visitors all year round. It was also one of The Amazing Race sites featured!

Located just a short 15KM from Li Jiang Old Town where I was at, there were many tour centres that offered tours and transport over to the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. Who needs transport when you've got your own ride? Hahaha yeahhh. Rode over myself :) All I need is set my GPS and follow the road signs.

Before I know it, I was out of all that hustle and bustle of the city, as I find myself in the company of mountains all around. And the best part was because it was already evening, there was not a soul around here. Just me and all that nature.

Riding on a motorcycle especially in the vast open sends a huge sense of Freedom through my body, it's something that I can't describe with just words, it's a moment I want to last forever. Check out #whyweride if you haven't, you'll know what I mean.

That is why I love riding so much.

Hello from Li Jiang!
As the sun slowly sets, so does the temperature drops. It is around 11 degrees now, with the wind blowing against my skin. Rode off the tarmac roads, onto the side where I turned off my engine, sat on my bike and listened to the quietness around me.

Courage means you don't let Fear stop you.

Recalling how I felt on the first day when I set off for this trip, the reality took a while to sink in. But when it finally did, I suddenly felt.. fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of uncertainties. I've never done a solo touring trip before, over such a long distance, I just didn't know what to expect.

But as each day passed, I learnt how to take everything that happens by my stride, and embrace every moment. This is what Life is about.

And I wish you were here to see all the things that I see, to witness from the slightest to the grandest things that makes the world beautiful.

Entrance of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain Park
Got to the park entrance but I was a little too late as the last visitor allowed in is 4:30pm. Time check, 4:45pm. Haha oh well, I thoroughly enjoyed the ride over still :)

Took a slow ride back to Li Jiang Old Town for an early dinner as I watched this city come alive when nightfall arrived.

After dinner, I wandered around in between the little streets of Li Jiang Old Town, and found myself walking alongside tea houses and bars all lined up by a small river.

Not many people wander here as most tourists are busy bargaining for pretty souvenirs at the main night shopping street. This place is perfect for couples because it's quiet and the setting is really romantic.

See how Li Jiang turns into a magical place when all its lights are up at night? :D

You've got to visit this part when you come to Li Jiang otherwise you'd be totally missing out!

Be it sitting by the riverside sipping a cocktail by the bar, or enjoying the aroma of tea in the little tea houses, or just relaxing on the bridge above the river, the ambiance here is just perfect where the heritage beauty of ancient China comes to life.

I randomly picked a narrow alley and cut back through to the main shopping street, selling a wide variety of food and souvenirs, another part of Li Jiang Old Town you can't miss!

From hand-craft home decors, to even vintage automobile miniatures, they have it all.

I took a stroll through the streets before finding my way back to the hotel to rest. I'm glad I spent 2 days in Li Jiang to experience its beauty and it sure didn't disappoint!

[Mileage Clocked: 4,698KM]
[Weather/Temperature: Fair/11°C]
[Altitude: 2,400m]
[Terrain: Mountain Roads/Tarmac/Bumpy/Pot Holes]

Next: Shangri La, China