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Monday 10 November 2014

Konichiwa! Let's Ride Japan!

Konichiwa! Let’s Ride Nippon (Japan)!

I do not know one person who doesn’t like Japan. Everyone loves how clean it is there, how oiishi (yummy) the foods are, and how polite the people are!

Not forgetting to mention, Japan has plenty of breathtaking sightseeing spots and doing a scenic ride would totally fit into the itinerary, wouldn’t it? 

Plus, the weather was awesome at around 15 degrees! Yay! Riding without having to sweat!

Grand mountainous vistas and the absence of traffic enforcement patrol cars make a slice of motoring heaven here in scenic Japan. 

Credits to theguardian
The courteous country is known for being one of the world’s major car manufacturers with a production of more than 8 million cars a year. That makes a whopping amount of producing 21,917 cars a day

Credits to gojapango, Shinkansen Bullet Train
In contrast to it’s overwhelming car production volume, Japan has never been regarded as a driver’s country as most of the people there rely heavily on it’s efficient public transport. 

Venturing out of the congested cities unveils a treasure chest of private scenic toll roads anticipating your discovery with your own drive, or for bikers (like myself), it’s definitely on our ride.  

I was flying to Osaka, the 3rd largest city in Japan

Market selling fresh seafood
Katsu (Pork Cutlet) Don (Rice)
There’s loads to shop and eat and repeat – it’s nice, but too much of the usual. 

The main highlight of my trip was a short touring ride! 

I searched and realized there are actually quite a lot of motorcycle rental companies here in Japan, however most of them (websites and staffs) are Japanese-speaking only. Hence, communication would be a barrier if you can’t speak their language. 

Mm.. Konichiwa? Genki deska?
I could speak like, maybe 12 words of Japanese? Ok maybe 18 words. Yeah, it’s pretty equivalent to none.

I decided to go with Japan’s largest motorcycle rental company, Rental 819 where I collected my Kawasaki D’Tracker 125.

Now, here are the pros for renting from a larger and more reputable company:

Wow, all da bikesss!
Level 1 of the shop, there's level 2
More selection of bikes to choose from.

Going through bike checks
English speaking staffs to assist.

Signing of the agreement, insurance forms
Vehicle support - In case your bike breaks down etc.

With Rental 819 friendly and helpful staffs
Reliable service.

Oh and did I mention? They have gears like helmets and gloves available too, at very reasonable rent rate of average $6/day. Save the hassle of bringing my own all the way from Singapore.

Credits to

With a International Driving License (AA Singapore, cost $20) and an original Singapore Driving License, let us transverse over 800km this Autumn from Japan’s 7th largest city, Kyoto, all the way to one of United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Site – Shirakawa-go, Northern Japan

Shirakawago Village
The roads may be plastered with warning signs of speeding but to my pleasant surprise, police cars do not patrol them. I can already sense eager riding enthusiasts ready to unleash their intrepidness of both themselves and their motor machines. 

Oh no! Another innocent animal knocked down by a car
Lying on the extreme opposite, we sauntered our way up North, ruising along the largest freshwater lake in Japan, Lake Biwa, accompanied by 670kmof its vast serenity views.

When the sun begin to retreat, it sends temperatures dipping to as low as 8 degrees, as we continued through the Fukui and Ishikawa Prefectures, lining the coast of Japan Sea with totalitarian North Korea sitting silently across, on the opposite side.

Man, I was so unprepared for the weather.

Now, let’s see, what do I have in my bag?

I have no idea why my bag is SO freaking heavy but I don’t have enough clothes for the cold. After wearing almost ALL the clothes I have (excluding dresses because I would look ridiculous wearing jeans and dress at the same time while riding a bike), confidently thinking it would be enough to keep my body warm, I WAS WRONG.

It was freeeeeeeezing. Having the Ducati Panigale 899 with me now would have been perfect I tell you. Purrrffeeccttt.

Despite piling..(wait ah, let me count..) 5 layers of clothes on, imitating looks of a round Russian doll, traveling at only 40km/h, the cold instantly pierced through every seam of our casual clothing, biting into my skin.

At 100km/h, my face was.. wait, I CAN'T FEEL MY FACE!!

Teeth tightly clenched and shivering uncontrollably, we endured until we rose into the hills of Ono District, Gifu Prefecture.

Credits to donpower
By then, I was convinced I will be reaching my destination as a block of ice.

I swung my backpack in front of me, thinking it could shield me from the wind.
Shield my ass man, the winds came in from sideways too. In fact, ALL WAYS!

Best part was, it started to RAIN. This is just wonderful.
This is also called #yoloUnprepared. LOL. 

We were trying to find our way to our Gassho guesthouse in the current conditions:

-       Night
-       8 Degrees
-       Not enough clothes
-       Cold as ice
-       No GPS
-       No WIFI
-       Raining
-       Strong winds
-       Turning into ice
-       No street lamps

Miraculously, we found our way to the guesthouse in the dark. Furthermore, it was located off the roads, like we had to go down some small windy off road into a village with NO LIGHTS. No moon also, no nothing.

Dinner in Gassho Guesthouse
Checked in, thawed ourselves by sitting by the big wok where dinner was cooking and snuggled onto the traditional tatami beds after that for a good night's rest!

Shirakawago Village
 The very next day, we woke up to a magical sight sprawling at our feet - Shirakawago. 

Known for their houses constructed in an architectural style known as Gassho-zukuri (prayer-hands construction), they are at least 300 – 500 years old.

Solely man-made and paired with an exceptionally strong design with unique properties of thatching, they are made to withstand and shed the weight of the heavy snows during winter.

So peaceful here.
Soaking in the varsity of nature
Mesmerized by the picturesque landscape, we immersed in the village’s natural beauty filled with tranquility and historical density, as we observe a steady stream of travelers in admiration of the idyllic setting.

The Kawasaki D’Tracker was light and easy to manage on some off road terrain, sauntering through shady trees in warm autumn colors as I rode through some mountainous roads too to the nearby serene Shiramizu Lake where I stopped to have some aromatic coffee.

Overall, Japan’s well-manicured scenic roads are magnets to all riding/driving enthusiasts, as we crossed paths and exchanged delightful conversations with other local bikers touring through the landscapes in their big motocycles such as the BMW GS 800, Honda VFR and a Ducati Multistrada.

Shirakawago Tourist Center
Through the years and the ever-changing times, Japan’s motorways are now built by larger corporations as it continues to undergo restructuring just like any flourishing tourism industry.

Looks like things are only going to get better. Besides, what better way to travel by meeting another fellow biker from the other side of the world yet sharing a common passion – life on two wheels