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Thursday 1 May 2014

Cameron Highlands, Malaysia, Here I Come! More than 1,000km over 15 hours ride

The hilly and vast tea plantation

Known for it's extensive hills full of tea plantation and cooling weather (approx. 16 degrees), did you know that Cameron Highlands, Malaysia shares the same size as our little sunny Singapore!

It's a mountainous area with elevations ranging from 3,600 - 5,200ft above sea level. It is most commonly accessed by roads Tapah or Simpang Pulai, close by to Ipoh.

I've been to Cameron Highlands a couple of times by car. Looking at the steep roads up the mountain with sharp winding corners, riding up definitely seems a lot more appealing and exciting! >:D
So, off we go!

Day 1 - Singapore - Cameron Highlands

The Harley, BMW GS Group were ready to move off too

Happy Labourless Labour Day!
It being the holiday weekend, we decided to move off really early in case there was any jam since it always seems like 75% of Singapore's population would travel to Malaysia for a short getaway.

Yea, I felt like this. Lol

After an entire day of work, running errands, going for dinner and light drinks (non-alcohol) till 3am, I was pretty tired but yolo! Moved off at 4:48am for my Cameron Highland ride.

God must have known I was tired so He decided to rain it down on me to freshen me up. We were drenched from head to the soles of our feet even before reaching Singapore customs. Even my waterproof Komine jacket could not handle the heavy downpour.

And the journey has not even started. We were going to be soaked in for the next good 6 hours? Great. Just great.
I know I know.. part and parcel of riding, I'm not complaining. Just sayinnn' :p

Ground was still wet

It continued to rain for the next what, 4 hours? I shivered throughout the journey so far because it was really cold, until finally, the rain stopped and the sun came out. Ah... -warmth-

It's not so bad if it rains on the highway. I just prayed it wasn't raining when we make our way up the mountainous roads to Cameron Highlands as they are steep and can be very slippery, which makes it more dangerous when it already is.

Microsleep On Long Journeys

It isn't safe to ride when you're tired, especially long rides without sleep. When I get really tired and I notice my eyes start to zone out (literally), I look around my surrounding to keep myself awake and stay very focused on the road. If you really can't hold out, take a break.


Many times during long journeys, riders and drivers enter into Microsleep, similar to Narcolepsy; that is falling asleep without warning or knowing, anywhere, anytime.
Can you imagine how dangerous it is? Gosh.

I've had friends who fall asleep while riding which is SO unsafe. Some wake up and nothing happens, some narrowly escape a collision with another vehicle, some stray off course and wake up in the drain, and some find themselves skidding on the road as if they're skating on ice. Wtf man.

This way to Cameron Highlands

After riding for the past 5 hours with barely any breaks besides refueling, finally the sign to Cameron Highlands! I was tired, but not anymore knowing that the cornering fun was about to begin real soon!

Not long after, we reached the foot of the mountain. Looking up ahead and exchanging eye contact that says "we are so going for this" or "let's see who reaches the top first" or "HA let the fun begin",   we are ready for some cornering fun. Hahaha.

  Countering Corners

Cameron Highlands windy roads
Muahaha doesn't this look fun? Hehehe.
To go round the windy roads is one thing, the poor condition of patchy road is another story. Anyway, some simple tips were shared on how to counter a corner smoothly:

1. Eye Point - Look far, choose your ideal line. Look at where you want to go, if you look towards the next corner, you'll get there. If you look at the trees at the side, you will.. end up there too.

2. Counter Steer - Apply a steering torque in the opposite direction. For example, if you negotiate a left turn, push down or apply torque on the handlebars to the right.

3. Slow In, Fast Out -  Enter into the corner slowly so to gauge the turn radius, and accelerate when you're coming out from it towards a straight road.

It was my first time countering many corners, one after another, some treacherous ones with vanishing radius made me go pretty slow. Oh well, it's always better to do it slowly and safely than fast and losing control. It was fun though I definitely need a lot more practice :)


Upon reaching Heritage Hotel Cameron Highlands, I was pretty exhausted. As much as I can't wait to check in and rest, I'll still have energy to take a picture for memory's sake and share with you guys!

Hello Cameron Highlands!

Parked our bikes, checked into the hotel, took a warm shower, change out into some dry clothes and bam! I fell straight to sleep in seconds.

Do Not Disturb
WHO TOOK THIS UNGLAM PHOTO OF ME SLEEPINGGG?? Must be my annoying friend. Lol.

Banana Leaf Rice & Fish Set with Tandoori Chicken


After a much rested sleep, our growling tummies woke us up, just in time for dinner! Weather check, it was about 16 degrees. Super cooling! Natural air con everywhere hehe. Had coffee at Starbucks after dinner before heading back to the hotel.

Day 2 - Strawberry Farms and Tea Plantation Visits

Hello sexy, are you ready for a ride? ;p

Weather in mountainous areas usually fluctuate quite a bit. One minute it can be all bright and sunny, the next moment it could be raining. It was about 16 degrees and dry now, perfect weather to ride in and off we went for some farm visiting.

Red strawberries, red bike and red jacket.

Well, what da ya know? Barely even 5 minutes after leaving our hotel, it started to pour heavily. Yes, we were drenched from hair to underwear by the time we reached Big Red Strawberry Farm. Brrr!

Everything strawberries

We were greeted with rows and rows of strawberries growing out of their pots, and you could pay to pick your own strawberries. The cafe there had almost everything strawberry too: Strawberry shake, strawberry cakes, strawberry ice cream, strawberry tea/coffee and the list goes on.

Of all the strawberry items, we chose to have.. fries. Lol, a non-strawberry related food.

After chilling there for a while, we decided to make a move after the rain lightened a little.

How To Go Down The Super Steep Slippery Slopes??

As Big Red Strawberry Farm was situated up on a hill top, the slopes up and down were really steep and the rain made it slippery too. Going up the slope still wasn't that bad, pretty manageable. But! What goes up, must come down.

Boy, going down the slope was really intimidating. Furthermore, it's not a straight slope down. There are bends where you can't see the next turn or the end at all, and it so doesn't help to see rain water gushing down the slopes. It's like your bike can slide down anytime!

Help somebodyyy :..( Oh how important it is to have confidence in yourself and in your bike.

Me on off road slopes down

How I usually go down slopes on my dirt bike (scrambler) would be to utilize engine brake:

Engage Gear 1
Release clutch
Let the bike roll
Tap on rear brake

Well, that method failed for me this time. Why?
Because my Ducati Hypermotard was a high rev bike, to be in gear 1 without clutching in and not having the engine stalling, it needs to be at a minimum speed of 18km/h.
Unfortunately, I learnt that the hard way.

I was only at 7km/h and I released my clutch, hence my engine stalled abruptly, causing me to lose center of balance with my bike tipping over to the right side. Me, being almost just 1/4 of my bike's weight, did not find the strength to bring it back up. So... plop!
It dropped. Damn it...
Luckily I did not fall down with it as I quickly got off my bike, if not my foot would probably be stuck underneath.

R&G Racing sliders saved the day

Thank god for R&G Racing sliders, it saved my shrouds (the red part with the word "Ducati" on it)! Phew~
See how important it is to have crash protection! It can prevent damages on your bike and save you loads of money! And we all know how expensive Ducati parts are.. it being Italian.

What are you waiting for? Call R&G Racing Singapore now! Get the protection your bike deserves.

Tea Plantations

Say Hello to Tea Plants!


Let's continue on to checking out some "BOH" (the brand) tea plantation! Which is what Cameron Highlands is famous for. The air here is fresh and the plants here grow so well because of the cooling climate.

Our tea farmer for the trip!

And model of the month. Lol
Hills and hills of tea plantation

It was so relaxing just riding through the never ending hills of tea plantation and embraced by the lush greenery all around. Feels so close to nature! Life's just different on two wheels ;p

All these plantation goes to making the famous "BOH" tea that even Singapore Airlines carry. BOH Plantations is the largest black tea manufacturer in Malaysia, as we can see that (literally), with both domestic and international distribution.

Did you know? 
It was founded by a British man during the British colonial times in Malaysia. Despite the worldwide Great Depression, BOH was founded in 1929 and lives till today!

Day 3 - Cameron Highlands - Singapore


After we checked out of Heritage Hotel Cameron Highlands, we went to have some fluffy naan for brunch, which was just 3 minutes away from our hotel. Once our tummy was filled, we started our journey back to Singapore by.. taking some more beautiful photos of Cameron Highlands! Gonna miss the weather here!

Can bluff that we are in England? Lol

These pretty flowers beautify my Ducati

Stopping by the side to see the mountainous views

We took the new B-road down that connects to North South Highway as it was much safer compared to the old road (the one we took on the way up). The tarmac of the new road was much smoother, wider, with more gradual bends and they were less steep compared to the old road where there were many pot holes and gravel due to lack of maintenance. More dangerously were the sharp steep bends where big trucks and other vehicles would often eat into the opposite-direction lane.

Snapping a few last shots before the sun sets soon

The mountainous views were pretty magnificent as we rode down the curvy roads with thick seabed of clouds hovering below the tip of the mountains. It is important to ensure you park your vehicle at a safe area without jeopardizing other road users if you want to stop half way to snap some awesome photos, which was what we did :)

It took us about 2 hours to complete the B-roads before hitting the highway. While snapping some photos, we met a few groups of Kawasaki and BMW GS bikers too! They were heading down and did not stop, so I just stood at the side of the road and waved to them like I was waving to the audience at a beauty pageant. LOL.

Goodbye Cameron Highlands! What a relaxing and fun trip it was.
I will be back again ;)